OnCareerSuccess leverages cloud-based technology to bring some of the very best and highly-sought after experts and thought leaders nationwide in job search, career coaching, career management, leadership and professional development, LinkedIn, financial planning, and estate planning to provide knowledge – in a convenient, affordable and effective way – to you to start, grow and maintain a career for career success, personal fulfillment, and financial security.
For most workers the value of growing your career is worth millions. Most of us make our living by applying our skill sets working in a job. As the principal source of income for the majority of workers, the salary we earn provides for the family and savings for retirement, living the life we want to have for ourselves and our family.
This is why investing in yourself becomes a crucial part of career management because your career success – coupled in with your dreams and hopes for you and your family – largely depends on your ability to get a job, negotiate a competitive salary commensurate with your skills and market dynamics, and acquiring hard and soft skills continuously to stay relevant and be effective in your job as you assume more responsibilities when your career grows and, in the process, earning more.
Whether you are an ‘Early Career’ individual just starting out early in your career as an intern or a college graduate, or you are a ‘Mid-Career’ individual who has worked professionally for 5-20 years or more, we have developed learning topics designed specifically to address your needs for the career phase you are in.
We use technology to make learning convenient and effective for you in four ways.
The first is reach. Regardless of where you are geographically, our cloud-based approach gives you a front row seat to learn from the very best expert in their knowledge domain.
The second way is to provide the teaching through on-demand recorded webinars so you can access and acquire the learning in a way most suitable and most efficiently for you over the defined time period of your webinar rental.
After you master the fundamentals taught in the on-demand webinars, the third way we maximize your learning on a specific topic is to have live webinar events on a specific topic in which participants and the expert hosting the webinar can have interactive Q&A discussions.
Focused personalized coaching is the fourth way if you need customized guidance at a one-on-one level working with an expert coach.
The goals of these learning opportunities are to help you realize your career potential, take steps to earn more, and become more financially secure.